it didn't happen, so it MUST be us that stopped it, right?

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Bush Says Cooperation Thwarted 2002 Attack

No details. Of course. But since nothing has happened, that must mean that we did it! We did it! Don't let those nasty civil liberties types tell you any differently!

Ok ok. So our nuclear power plants and ports still are not secure, and our police and fire departments (first responders, don't forget!) are still having their funding cut, but we really really really wanna stop terrorism...really we do. And look! We did it!

What's that? You say we are encouraging terrorism by invading Arab countries and killing children? What're you, some kinda America-hater?

Geez...only America haters use LOGIC when talking about this stuff. Cuz you know, bombing innocents or FLYING PLANES INTO BUILDINGS TO KILL INNOCENTS...that doesn't piss people off. Not one bit...

Logic be damned...

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