The debate over the blogosphere and "progressive action"
Published Monday, February 13, 2006 by DJ Shiva. | E-mail this post
Can Blogs Revolutionize Progressive Politics?While the organic growth of the blogosphere may resolve issues of race and gender over time, it will do little to address its overwhelming bias toward urban professionals. And that can’t be good news for a party that is already being punished at the polls for its weak connection to working-class Americans.
“For me the greatest problem is low-income people,” Cornfield says. “The irony is that it’s not because they don’t have money to get a laptop—especially with the $100 laptop now. It’s that people who are poor don’t have the civic skill sets and motivation to go online and do these sorts of things. That will take a concerted effort.”
At a time when the visible digital divide may be shrinking as increasing numbers of Americans come online, it may be replaced by an invisible version that benefits those who are well-educated, well-connected and organized.
Stoller does not think that it’s important for blogs to reach a less-affluent audience: “Not everybody has to be part of that conversation. If someone wants to have access to those discussions, they should be able to do that. But for the most part, people—like that person working two shifts—will go on with their lives knowing that good people are making good decisions and policies on their behalf.” Bloggers like Moulitsas—who is equally unconcerned that his blog will never reach “someone working at the DMV”—are likely betting that the cadre of activists they reach will be able to form connections across those differences within their community.
Stoller...well...his attitude barely deserves a reply. *Sigh*. I shall forge on nonetheless. "But for the most part, people—like that person working two shifts—will go on with their lives knowing that good people are making good decisions and policies on their behalf."
Oh...I feel SO much better. What would I do without my blogger saviour to make decisions for me? Frankly, there is no difference between this jerk's elitist BS and an entire system that wants us to believe we are too stupid to make our own decisions (hence: "representative democracy"). In fact, I dare say it reeks of patriarchal colonialism: the idea that the poor and the oppressed can't realize their own freedoms; that they all need a smarter, WHITER hero archetype to swoop down and save them.
Hmmm...that sounds...faintly...familiar.
White Europeans civilizing "savages". The British in India, French in Algeria, the US stopping communism from spreading amongst yellow people who didn't know enough to make their own decisions, and...oh looky! The big caring US has to bomb the brown Iraqis to give them the freedom they were just too unsophisticated enough to pursue of their own volition.
Wow. What would oppressed people do without their white people to make their decisions for them?
Guess what one needs your shining bright American white boy mouth (or keyboard) to make decisions for them. Your politics may carry the progressive label, but your actions speak volumes about how entrenched colonial arrogance still is.
I'll let you in on something you probably don't realize: the poor don't want to jump into the pit of political punditry because they understand that people like you use their issues as a stepping stone to power, without ever giving two shits about them as humans. So, as it turns out, the poor people whom you cast as simpletons in need of your leadership...they are smart enough to know bullshit when they see it. So they organize on the ground, with people who identify with them instead of people who look down on them as if they were idiotic children.
And THAT is why Democrats and superficial "progressives" will keep losing. Until resistance takes place in your heart, and not just your words...what you say will be just so many ones and zeros..."full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
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